Justices rule against Tea Party

Justices rule against Tea Party

It was controversial and short-lived. The so-called Tea Party, linked to Oakland County Democrats and criticized by Republicans, will not be on the ballot this fall.

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled Friday the justices were "not persuaded" the group -- criticized as a Democratic ploy to snatch votes away from Republicans -- should appear on the ballot.

"We are definitely pleased that the scam that was being perpetrated has been stopped," said John Pirich,It also includes the children wear, which provides an exciting range of theCHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN SHOES for the kids too. an attorney for tea party groups around the state. "We also hope that the investigation into this activity proceeds as expeditiously as possible."

GOP state chairman Ron Weiser said "the court made the right decision" and that the bipartisan ruling "recognized this was a fraud on voters and this was not something that should be allowed to continue on." He now hopes voters remember who was behind this: Democrats, he said.

State Democratic Party officials have denied any connection to efforts to establish The Tea Party.

In its 5-2 decision, the court found the Board of State Canvassers "failed to carry out its duty" to The Tea Party by giving a deadlocked ruling last month.

The majority was formed by three Republican-nominated justices and two Democratic-nominated justices, including Alton Thomas Davis, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm last week.

Chief Justice Marilyn Kelly and Justice Diane Hathaway, both nominated by Democrats, would have granted "The Tea Party" request to appeal and further contest the case.TheED HARDY T-SHIRTS, college going students as well as the adults too, all are the customer of this brand.

Michael Hodge, an attorney for The Tea Party who had argued before the Board of Canvassers that the group had enough signatures to appear on the ballot, could not be reached for comment.You can find some topnotch Hollywood celebrities wear their TCXO Tracksuits in their casual time. Not only are you able to buy your Juicy Couture Tracksuits for a much cheaper price, it is also really fun and challenging. The Court of Appeals ruled Monday The Tea Party could not appear on the ballot because of problems with its petitions including that the word "The" was not in 24-point boldface type as dictated by law.

Par juicycouturewatches le vendredi 01 juillet 2011


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