Some Electronic Components Explained For Layman

Information is now easy to find on internet, but can we find the information related to a definite subject just at one place? I don't think so. I happened to find it really difficult to make out the uses and meanings of the electronic components being used in the electronic industry. So I thought to use this platform to share some basic information about some of the components about which I can provide you some information.

Wikipedia and other encyclopedias might give you some idea about what an electronic component is; just in case you are feeling lazy enough to visit them, let me explain that you.OCXO,molded plastic product,molded plastic item,moulded plastic parts manufacturer,molded plastic item from China. Wikipedia explains electronic components in this manner:

'An electronic component is a basic electronic element usually packaged in a discrete form with two or more connecting leads or metallic pads.' Some common example of electronic components, which I hope you would have heard, are- diodes, integrated circuits, crystals, transistors etc. Now what do they exactly mean to you? If you think I am going to ask you questions, then you are wrong. After all why would you read my article to get bombarded with questions? I am here to answer your queries.There are many different benefits that are provided by this hervelist , which is now headed by the CEO and the chairman Michael S. Jeffries. So below are the small information about some electronic components.

Sensors: A sensor is a device which measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument. Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-sensitive elevator buttons and lamps which dim or brighten by touching the base.Crystal Filter products directory, chocolate ball wrapping machine for sale, chocolate ball wrapping machine manufacturers suppliers

Crystal oscillator: A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit to facilitate the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to generate an electrical signal with a very specific frequency. This frequency is normally used to track of time, to supply a stable clock signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters.

Digital potentiometers: A digital potentiometer adjusts and trims electronic circuits similar to variable resistors, rheostats and mechanical potentiometers and hence is sometimes called digital POT, RDAC, or digipot. These compact devices can be used to calibrate system tolerances or dynamically control system parameters.

Linear regulator: A linear regulator is an operational amplifier and a pass transistor and provides many imaginative design keys for challenging requirements.

Flash memory: A flash memory generally includes various types of delay circuits necessary for operations, a write/erase high-voltage stabilization circuit, and a reference voltage generation circuit as well as memory cells in a chip. The programming of data in flash memory is realized by the injection of hot electrons.

NVRAM: Non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM) is the general name used to describe any type of random access memory which does not lose its information when power is turned off. This is in contrast to the most common forms of random access memory today, DRAM and SRAM, which both require continual power in order to maintain their data.

Par juicycouturewatches le mercredi 20 juillet 2011


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