Electronic Watches in Life

Mention of the clock, we'll be thinking of vibration. Mechanical watches use mechanical vibration, electronic watch, of course is the use of electrical oscillation. The first oscillator circuit is constituted by the inductors and capacitors,Welcome to the premier industrial resource for X-TAL. called the LC circuit, but its frequency stability is not good, and later, scientists use LC instead of quartz crystal oscillator, frequency stability is greatly improved. Rules hexagonal quartz crystal. In a certain position on the quartz crystal cut is called under the thin quartz chip. Quartz has a nifty feature: If the chip to mechanical force, the corresponding direction in the electric field is generated. This physical phenomenon is called "piezoelectric effect." When the quartz plate connected to the AC field polar. When the external alternating voltage frequency equal to the natural frequency of quartz, it will have resonance. This phenomenon is called "piezoelectric resonance." Using this stable oscillation, people created a very high precision electronic watches and quartz clocks.

Electronic watch is 50 years of the 20th century began to appear in the new timer.People would be attracted to you and would be inspired to a greattnairmax by the kind of dress sense and style you have. The earliest a spreadsheet called "balance spring electronic watch", which was born in 1955. The watch balance wheel instead of electromagnetic winding drive to balance spring as the oscillator, micro batteries for energy, driven by electronic circuits work balance. Part of its travel time is identical with the mechanical watch, known as the first generation of electronic watches. In 1960, the United States Bulova Corporation began selling the first "electronic tuning fork watch." This watch as a metal tuning fork oscillator,It was established during the year 1892 and since then it has been shenzhenwholesale and expending itself in a great manner. electronic circuit output pulse current, so that the mechanical tuning fork vibration. Electronic watch than the simple pendulum wheel, travel time more accurately, known as the second generation of electronic watches. In 1969, Seiko introduced the world's homes the first quartz digital watches. The emergence of quartz digital watches, watches and clocks immediately became a mainstream product, it goes accurate, simple and easy way to a second-generation electronic watches, mechanical watches and even eliminated. Quartz, also known as "crystal vibrations electronic watch" because it is the use of crystal film "the oscillation phenomenon" to timing. Augmented by the external crystal when the voltage response will produce distortion and stretching; if compressed crystal, it will produce electricity at both ends of the crystal. In many such properties can also be seen on the crystals, known as the "piezoelectric effect." Quartz watch is the use of periodic continued, "the oscillation" of the crystal, brings us the exact time.

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Par juicycouturewatches le mercredi 20 juillet 2011


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